Home Sweet Home - Posted on March 7, 2011
Oh Palm trees and sunshine, how I've missed you! I had so much fun on the tour and at the same time learned a lot.
Arrived at LAX yesterday at 2pm...took a taxi to get the car. Screening for "Worlds Best Indian Taco" in Palm Springs 5pm..changed, and did my makeup in the car. Wow, that's when you know you're husseling...when you're changing in the car. Didn't have time to go home. Made it to Palm Springs at 5;15...perfect timing. Two films showed before mine. WHEW! Made it. After the screening, cast and crew went the Spa casino to salsa dance. So much fun. Following that went to the local karaoke bar and had a blast. Spent the nite in Palm Springs. Just got home. What an adventure! So happy to be with my doggies again. ;)
much love! xo