UPDATE - Posted on November 2, 2011
A lot happening in the next week. This Wednesday Nov 2nd will be my last show at 1616 Club. I have been their resident dj for the comedy/music show every Wednesday for the last 6 months. Its been so much fun. This night helped me grow as a dj. I met a lot of really amazing people and seen a lot of talent of all sorts walk in that door. It started off just as a comedy show, where i dj'd the first hour and brought the comedians up with a song.
It grew into much more. By the end, our show became a full course meal of entertainment. We booked Comedians, MC's, Reggae Bands, Soul/Funk Bands, poets, started the "whats the scenario" dj battle and much more. Its been a great run! Bittersweet.
On a different note, This Thursday i fly out to Winnipeg to perform at Aura night club for the 4th annual Pink Party. I will be performing as an MC and as RedClouds hype girl. I will also be djing the fashion show for the beautiful models from Native Model Studio.
Friday, performing on the Strong Front music t.v show followed by an interview.
That evening i fly out to Edmonton for 2 days (too short) to visit my familly who i rarely get to see. ;)
BIG WEEK ahead and im super excited!! Get to see friends, family and perform. What more could i ask for!
So happy and grateful. I have amazing angels around me.
* Never doubt or question anything. Everything is happening exactly the way its supposed to.
Love Crystle xoxo