Great first month of the NEW YEAR - Posted on January 17, 2012
Hey lovers!
Happy new Year. 11 more months left in the New Year. How exciting! Lots of time to accomplish your 2012 goals.
This month has been very productive so far.
*Had a photoshoot for the LIGHTNINGCLOUD album cover (which turned out more amazing than we expected)
*Finished 2 more songs for the album.
*I signed with a new Talent (Acting) Agency.
*Formed some new friendships (buisness and personal)
Im excited for the rest of the month as well. Tonite and tomro nite were finishing the Ghost Girls pilot.
Tomorrow during the day i have my first pilot audition for the season...YAAAAY!!! Wish me luck.
And finally, I get to fly to Edmonton Alberta Canada for a show and photo shoot on January 26.
P.S "Dream Boards" really help your dreams come to life. (Same with goals)
xoxo Crystle