Hey Party people!!
I am so excited;) This month has been very eventful. First of all LIGHTNINGCLOUD recieved a nomination for best HIP HOP/RAP album for the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards taking place in the beginning of November in Winnipeg, Manitoba. YAAAY!! There is a board who puts their votes in and now it is open to the public soooo..WE NEED YOU TO VOTE FOR LIGHTNINGCLOUD;) Here is the website www.AboriginalPeoplesChoice.com Is pretty self explanitory and takes only a few minutes. The only thing you need is a valid email address. We would so appreciate your support on this. There are many categories, once again LightningCloud is under "best hip hop/ Rap" Cd. Vote! Vote! Vote!
Secondly, LightningCloud (aka myself and MC RedCloud) shot our first music video for our song "Burn it Down" featuring and produced by Pigeon John Sunday afternoon at Venice Beach. We were so fortunate to have FNX (First Nations Experience) bring 3 amazing cameras and equipment and shoot it for us. Everything was perfect! Beautiful weather, scenery, cooperation. I couldnt be happier! You can check out a lil sneak preview on their website fnx.org We are on the front page. FNX will be in the editing process for the next couple weeks, but the video will be dropping very soon. So stay tuned. If you would like to hear the song we shot the video for, you can find it on this wesite.... www.bandcamp.lightningcloud.com and its called Burn it Down.
Thirdly, Its Christi Mills bday party tomorrow!! Aug 23 LADIES OF THE HOUSE (aka Christi Mills and myself) will be djing at Skinnys Lounge in North Hollywood. We have an amaing female band opening up for us, venders, live art, and exotic mixoligist making specialty drinks and so much more. Please come celebrate with us!!
Have a great rest of your week!! Thank you so much for visiting my website! I apprecaite you.
Love Crystle xoxox